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Chicago: Year One

June 29, 2011

And just like that, I’ve lived in Chicago for a full year now. I probably wouldn’t have remembered something that specific unless I had written a blog entry here last June, back when I was working on A Wrinkle In Time pages and wandering my neighborhood aimless on a Fourth of July desperate to make new friends. And as a strange little milestone, I did this week’s NewCity cover.

If you’re unsure of that building in the middle, that would be the Tribune Tower, a Chicago landmark a la the Chicago Tribune, which may or may not be recognizable to anyone, Chicago-ians included.

Chicago architecture never ceases to make little or no sense to me. How does the Tribune Tower exist in the same eyeful as that sleek and slender Sears Tower?

I also submitted a piece to Kris Mukai’s new zine all about everyone’s new obsession A Game of Thrones. Back in November, I started reading the series and after a five month literary gorge-fest,  finished all four books just as the HBO series started which help satiate my never ending need for my Westeros gossip fix.

Brienne did what? Robb Stark said that? Oh no, what did Cersei do this time?!?

I’ve come to have a soft spot for the Baratheon family and Kris’ ‘zine gave me such an excuse to draw some ‘fan fart’.

I’ll leave you with another little prep drawing for my new comic.

Hope you guys have a stellar Fourth!

4 Comments leave one →
  1. July 8, 2011 9:21 AM

    Pardon my ostentatious comment, but isn’t that the John Hancock Center in the background of the Tribune?

    • Jeremy Sorese permalink*
      July 21, 2011 5:23 PM

      Whoops! Sorry! I’ll take your word on it. There are too many buildings here with different names that change periodically to keep track of!

  2. August 18, 2011 11:30 PM

    I swear the coolest new city covers happened while I was living in NYC, I think Lucy Kinsley did one too. You should have sold these at your table, I would have bought one 😦

    You’ve only been living in Chicago for a year! haha i should have known you are too nice to be a real chicagoan. What are you favorite haunts so far?

    • Jeremy Sorese permalink*
      August 22, 2011 10:20 AM

      Haha, thanks! I’m still trying to figure out how to make digital prints affordable because somehow silkscreening is still vastly more cost effective?!?

      As for haunts, my favorites are in and around Logan Square where I live. I really love the Two Way bar and Sol Del Sur which is this Mexican food place across the street from my house. I also do karaoke at Alice’s, this polish bar near my place. My life rarely deviates from the Blue line, but I’ve been biking and exploring the Lincoln park area this summer.

      It was lovely meeting you two last weekend! Hopefully our paths will cross again in the not too distant future!

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